Of Giants and Faith (Deuteronomy ep. 2)


Welcome to another episode of the Tsur Institute podcast!
In this episode, Dan and Yohanan are discussing the topic of Faith in the book of Deuteronomy.
In chapter 5, Moses uses giants to show the people of Israel what real faith is all about.
Happy listening!

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Illustration of man studying Bible

How to Study a Book of the Bible

How can we study a book of the Bible in a deep and meaningful way? In this article, you will find some helpful guidelines. Each biblical book is different: in length, in content, in its character, and in its literary genre. As we learn to read the book in a methodical manner, we will find the benefits of discovering what the book has to say as a whole, beyond the few favorite or prominent verses that might be well known to us from that book…

המשיכו לקרוא »

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