Personal study

מה מעניין אתכם לקרוא
מה מעניין אתכם לקרוא

Let’s hear what the text has to say!

When considering the real conversations that we have from day to day, we see that it is important for us to learn how to listen to one another. Otherwise we won’t understand what the other side desires to communicate to us and there will not be any real interaction or communication. Of course, I am able to respond even without listening, but my response will only be relevant if I have perceived and understood what was said to me. We can look in the same manner at the reading of the Bible….

Main picture: Moses crossing the red sea

Getting to know those who came before us: How to Study a Biblical Character

The goal of this article is to give some guidance to those interested in focusing on a certain character from the Bible, and in understanding what is written about him and what lessons the biblical text wants to teach us through its description, or descriptions, of this character. An in-depth look into the life of a biblical character could be for our enjoyment, and beyond this what we learn from these characters can challenge us, instruct us, and guide us on a personal level…

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